When an LODD Occurs: Incident Commanders Speak
Credit Hours:
Approximate reading time:
0.5 Hours
Approximate online time:
0.5 Hours

Program Abstract
When a line-of-duty death occurs, the incident commander (IC) for that response faces unique emotional, personal, political, social, legal, and relationship impacts that only other incident commanders who have faced the same tragedy can understand. One IC of an LODD incident described it as "a very exclusive club that no one ever wants to join." This program takes a proactive approach by raising awareness about what incident commanders may face if a line-of-duty death occurs at a scene where they are in command and beginning to prepare them to face that challenge should it happen to them. The program will: 1) Educate incident commanders about what they might face if a line-of-duty death occurs during a response where they are in command so they can be better prepared, and 2) Be a resource for incident commanders of scenes where a line-of-duty death has occurred, functioning as a source of support and guidance for how to navigate the aftermath that will forever change the IC and the department. This program addresses the potential psychological and operational impact of the line-of-duty death, meeting the needs of the surviving family and of the department members, handling media scrutiny, participating in the review of the operation and the IC's role, accessing behavioral health resources, and being aware of potential legal issues moving forward.