Saving Lives: Inspiring Stories in Community Risk Reduction

Credit Hours:  1
Approximate reading time: 0.5 Hours
Approximate online time: 0.5 Hours

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Program Abstract

Fire prevention and community risk reduction are the often-overlooked part of the company officer's job. While not as attention-grabbing as dramatic rescues, community risk reduction offers the greatest potential to positively impact the life safety of the largest number of people in your community, including the most vulnerable populations of the oldest and the youngest. When a company officer really takes on community risk reduction as a priority and works hard to identify and address vulnerabilities in their community, the results can be life-changing — even lifesaving.

This self-paced program spotlights two company officers and one survivor who have made a significant impact in locally and nationally through community risk reduction.

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The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation provides FireHeroLearningNetwork.Com to further the organization's mission and the goals of the Everyone Goes Home® program by providing free, vetted training and resources to all members of the fire service. Fire Hero Learning Network delivers critical safety, operations, and community relations fire service training, from the line firefighter through to command and leadership. Unless otherwise noted, the modules on FireHeroLearningNetwork.Com are appropriate for all levels of the fire service, all staffing characteristics (career, volunteer, and combination), all jurisdictions in the United States, and all types of firefighting (including public, private, structure, vehicle, wildland, military, transportation authority, State Fire Marshal, special squad, and academia). Available interactive training resources include: modules, operational checklists, fire attack scenarios, and podcasts.