Top-Loading Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems
Credit Hours:
Approximate reading time:
1 Hour
Approximate online time:
1 Hour

This module is offered to Fire Hero Learning Network Users under a cooperative agreement with FM. To take this module, you will be transferred from the Fire Hero Learning Network (FHLN) to the FM Fire Service Learning Network. You will need an FM Fire Service Learning Network account to take this module. If you already have an FM Fire Service Learning Network account that uses the same email as your FHLN account, you will not have to sign in again. If you need to create an account on FM Fire Service Learning Network, you will be able to register. Your record of completion for this program (on your transcript) and your certificate will be kept on the FM Fire Service Learning Network.
Pick, pack, and ship warehouse operations have been revolutionized by Top-Loading Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems (TL-ASRS), which use robots and extensive stacks of bins containing goods to store and retrieve items to fill orders. This program introduces the viewer to TL-ASRS, covering what they are, how they work, fire hazards associated with them, fire protection systems to mitigate those fire hazards, preplanning to respond to TL-ASRS facilities, and fire department operations at TL-ASRS facilities.
Additional training is available on the FM Global Fire Service Learning Network on Fighting Fire in Sprinklered Buildings.