Health & Safety at Wildland Fires

Credit Hours:  1
Approximate reading time: 0.5 Hours
Approximate online time: 0.5 Hours

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Program Abstract

Wildland fires pose unique health and safety challenges due to their nature as multi-agency, multi-department responses of long duration in a wide operations area. From 2010-2019, 99 firefighters were killed in wildland fire responses. These firefighters were career, volunteer, wildland part-time, wildland full-time, wildland contract, and paid-on-call. They came from 25 U.S. states. These wildland fire deaths happened to firefighters under 21 and over 61, with 52.5% of fatalities age 40 and under. The deaths happened during a wide array of activities, including fire attack, driving, incident command, pump operation, and providing support services. Wildland fire dangers affect everyone. This module discusses the unique characteristics of wildland fire responses, the known hazard categories and safety practices that mitigate these hazards, and how to practice effective risk management. The module's content is valuable for all firefighters, wildland and structural, from all types of departments and with all experience levels.

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The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation provides FireHeroLearningNetwork.Com to further the organization's mission and the goals of the Everyone Goes Home® program by providing free, vetted training and resources to all members of the fire service. Fire Hero Learning Network delivers critical safety, operations, and community relations fire service training, from the line firefighter through to command and leadership. Unless otherwise noted, the modules on FireHeroLearningNetwork.Com are appropriate for all levels of the fire service, all staffing characteristics (career, volunteer, and combination), all jurisdictions in the United States, and all types of firefighting (including public, private, structure, vehicle, wildland, military, transportation authority, State Fire Marshal, special squad, and academia). Available interactive training resources include: modules, operational checklists, fire attack scenarios, and podcasts.