Advanced Pre-Planning for Complex Properties
This program describes the importance of a comprehensive pre-incident plan for complex or unusual properties.
The Mission of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation is to honor America's Fallen Firefighters, assist their survivors, and work to prevent firefighter deaths and injuries. We are able to do our work thanks to the support of caring individuals, organizations, corporations, and foundations. Congress created the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation in 1992.
With the support of fire and life safety organizations, the Foundation has launched Everyone Goes Home®, a major initiative to prevent firefighter line-of-duty deaths and injuries. Fire Hero Learning Network, FireHeroLearningNetwork.Com, the official online learning network of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, is part of the Everyone Goes Home® effort.
Fire Hero Learning Network delivers critical safety, operations, and community relations fire service training, from the line firefighter through to command and leadership. Unless otherwise noted, the modules on FireHeroLearningNetwork.Com are appropriate for all levels of the fire service, all staffing characteristics (career, volunteer, and combination), all jurisdictions in the United States, and all types of firefighting (including public, private, structure, vehicle, wildland, military, transportation authority, State Fire Marshal, special squad, and academia).
The content on FireHeroLearningNetwork.Com is developed in cooperation with and vetted by recognized experts in the fire service. The experts for each fire service training module are listed under the “Contributors” tab of the module’s navigation bar. The user can earn a certificate of completion for the module by passing a Skills Challenge test at the end of the module. The testing and documentation available for module completion enables fire service personnel to keep a training record that can assist with meeting continuing education requirements.
Primary funding for Fire Hero Learning Network is provided by the Department of Homeland Security’s Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program for Fire Prevention & Safety. Additional support for content development for some of the individual fire service training modules has been provided by the United States Department of Justice
The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation provides FireHeroLearningNetwork.Com to further the organization’s mission and the goals of the Everyone Goes Home® program by providing free, vetted training and resources to all members of the fire service. FireHeroLearningNetwork.Com uses text, audio, video, graphics, and animation to deliver practical training content that fire service professionals can use on the job every day.For more information on all the programs and services available from the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, please visit FireHero.Org.
For more information on the Everyone Goes Home® program and the Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives, please visit EveryoneGoesHome.Com
This program describes the importance of a comprehensive pre-incident plan for complex or unusual properties.
After Action Review (AAR) offers the fire service the opportunity to formalize the tradition of informal post-incident conversations.
Learn the firefighter health and safety benefits of automatic fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems and core principles guiding interaction with these systems.
Learn the advantages of automatic sprinkler systems, types of systems, how they work, and what components they contain.
This Self-Paced Program helps company officers understand their interpersonal communication and mentoring responsibilities.
This Self-Paced Program helps company officers understand their leadership role in the fundamentals of firefighter health and safety.
This firefighter training module provides an introduction to all sixteen Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives and assists the user in taking the first steps toward addressing these safety initiatives in their job and department.
This module is a roundtable discussion between five fire service leaders about how to create change in the fire service and lead a culture of safety.
Just as doctors talk about "bedside manner" when talking to patients, the "curbside manner" of first responders really makes a difference in how people experience and process a difficult life event.
Learn how to complete a pre-incident plan for a sprinkler-protected property, paying special attention to its fire suppression systems.
Learn key actions take at automatic sprinkler system activation response to assess the situation and control the operation of the sprinkler system.
This module discusses factors influencing training safety and recommended practices to mitigate hazards and lower the risk of firefighter deaths and injuries while training.
This module discusses the unique characteristics of wildland fire responses, the known hazard categories and safety practices that mitigate these hazards, and how to practice effective risk management.
Learn organizational measures and safe driving practices that address the root causes of emergency vehicle crashes and empower drivers, operators, and chauffeurs to be safety leaders.
This module educates fire officers how to make changes in their departments that will help prevent line of duty deaths.
Fire service leaders discuss challenges departments face in communication, relationships, health and safety, and developing leadership then propose creative solutions.
Fire service leaders discuss challenges departments face in team building and training, then propose creative solutions.
This module shows how fire protection passive systems give firefighters a tactical advantage in fire attack and suppression.
This awareness-level, self-paced module will cover the foundational principles of a peer support program and direct users to resources that can help them design and establish a peer support program in their department.
An awareness-level module of actionable information about the carbon monoxide hazard to firefighters, including exposure sources, detection, effects, and mitigation strategies.
This self-paced program focuses on firefighter health and safety within the context of responding to known violent incidents and in cases where an incident turns violent during response.
This self-paced program spotlights two company officers and one survivor who have made a significant impact in locally and nationally through community risk reduction.
Learn how to understand and support the needs of both family and fire service survivors after a line-of-duty death and create a plan for your fire department to cope with an LODD.
This program introduces TL-ASRS, covering what they are, how they work, associated fire hazards and how to mitigate those hazards, preplanning, and response.
This program addresses the potential psychological and operational impact of the line-of-duty death, meeting the needs of the surviving family and of the department members.
This program highlights a case study of a fire at 811 South Elm Street in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Discover why sprinklered buildings can still burn, including design issues and sources of impairment, and how to mitigate these causes.
Case studies help firefighters understand the nature of firefighting in the WUI, how crews get in trouble, lessons learned, and keys to effective risk management in the WUI.